Two factors combine for any job to be done successfully:
•How the person perceives his/her skills in relation to the job requirements
•How the individual group/team members collaborate to achieve their targets
We design problem solving -teambuilding workshops combining the highly esteemed Belbin® Teambuilding methodology with problem solving tools and practices from Lean management to help:
•Teams that need to focus on new challenges or targets
•Teams that operate satisfactory but could exploit their potential to a greater advantage
•New Teams whose members do not act collectively
•Teams from mergers, acquisitions or restructuring programmes
•Problematic teams where apathy or conflicts that obstruct progress
For us, a team is effective when it is mature. This means that its members consciously evaluate the way they communicate, behave, decide, solve problems and act on business issues.
We use a four step approach -in close co-operation with clients’ management- to initiate and strengthen team spirit and performance:
1.Belbin® Team Roles Profiling
To create a team identity, first of all, members need to find out how they perceive themselves and how they are perceived from their colleagues. Recognizing the behavioural fingertip, it enables us to shape the right workshop in which team members will express themselves openly, feeling safe and understood, show their skills, identify communication differences, abolish stereotypes and plan ahead more effectively.
All profiling and reporting is electronic and 100% objective as it combines individual self assessment and observers' feedback.
2. 1-1 interviews
1-1 interviews provide a unique opportunity to explain the Team Role reports in more depth, answer questions as well as discuss personal development plans. Most Belbin consultants are trained in reading behind words, gaining a deeper understanding of the team’s dynamics and the criteria used by members to assess behaviour.
3. Team building games
The members of a mature team communicate in a way that promotes cooperation and excellence even in crunch situations. We have developed and use special workshops to break the ice, explore strengths and agree on new ways of working together.
4. Solving Problems in a NO BLAME culture
For a team to be effective, it means that its members rank their work roles first, making ‘sacrifices’ in order to get the job done. In close cooperation with the client’s management and HR department, we bring Belbin® Team Role Theory into organisational reality, practicing with problem solving tools from Lean Methodology.
Participants analyse real organisational issues and plan improvement initiatives using simple and practical tools and practices from Lean methodology incuding tactics on how to say things, who to ask advice from as well as how to collaborate to reduce and eliminate repetitive problems. Using and agreeing on a standard but effective problem solving methodology (with criteria, targets, cause identification and thus an effective solution identification) the team is now ready to focus on what matters for the client!
This is a 2 day workshop and can be easily combined with other HR workshops. It is also tailored to the specific challenges and sector of each organisation in close cooperation with the manager and the HR department.